I am a physician that guides patients and coaching clients along the journey of healing the root causes of "dis-ease". I'm also a Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist, and I also have extensive training and experience with Eastern and Western medicine, Spiritual Psychology, Mind Body Medicine, Intuition Medicine®, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, yoga and qi gung. I help people to bridge the gap between what is happening physically and what is occurring psycho-spiritually.
The typical person that sees me has something going on with their health, whether that be a health condition or symptom and they are not getting the answers or relief they are looking for. They've been seen by traditional western medicine doctors and not just wanting to medicate their symptoms away. They are holistically oriented and are wanting to explore their health on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
So what I do with people helps to bridge the gap between what is happening physically and psycho-spiritually. I help people to explore their health, their health condition, their relationship with their body. Here we not only discover the root dynamics, the root causes at the heart of their suffering, of their "dis-ease" and but also help them to unburden it.
I help people to come back home to themselves, back home to a felt sense of embodiment and a sense of fully inhabiting their body with their Soul essence, their Self. When this happens, this is very healing, and from my experience I've seen symptoms or conditions improve or even resolve completely.
And as my patients get to know their parts inside, I frequently see their parts being amazed at really reconnecting with their true Self, their Soul essence. And perhaps, most importantly for my patients, is the willingness, the courage, and the ability to live their lives with greater joy, greater meaning and greater connection with themselves and with others.
Find out why you aren't doing the things you know you should and how Internal Family Systems can help.
435 N Roxbury Drive, #406 Beverly Hills CA 90210
O: 310-276-3888
F: 310-276-1808